Castro Valley Game Library

Resources for parents & teachers

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Homeschool routine and moveable alphabet

I am only homeschooling (my kindergartener) for 2 days a week, and my youngest is almost 6 (my training is 2 1/2 years to 6 years).  I wasn't sure how our routine would work, but I have been pleased with the morning schedule we started.  After he's dressed, eats breakfast, makes his bed, and puts clothes away, P. has to complete spelling (6 cards), writing (with chalk), reading (3 books), one Montessori activity, and 10 minutes of online math before he gets free time.  

It took some time to get him started, but I felt great when he did his spelling the other day on his own.  I was also excited when he put letters into the mystery box to guess what they were by touch.  For some reason, he doesn't like the wooden moveable alphabet, so we're improvising.  My daughter will be using the cursive moveable alphabet, I hope.  Including Spanish, we have 6 moveable alphabets right now.  

I have 14 apple boxes worth of Montessori materials and supplies for making materials that I'm ready to sell.  I need to make more space!  I will probably sell the supplies (boxes, cups, bowls, trays) at the Aitken Senior Center Sale on Oct. 5th (Castro Valley, 8-1 pm), if I haven't sold them before that.  

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