The driving force, that is the spontaneous psychic activity,
in our case arises from the education of the senses
and is maintained by the intelligence on an observer.
--Maria Montessori
Sensorial - Visual
Hue Matching (like Color Boxes)
Exact matches
Montessori Color Box 2

Sorting by color
Not exact matches
Sorting dark, medium, and light
Dark and light color matching
More complex...
Montessori Color Box 7 (top 2)

Consider many different browns
Teach the color wheel or rainbow colors
Warm colors and cool colors
Sensorial - Tactile
Differentiating textures
Texture Matching (like Fabric Boxes)
(3 sets are shown in last pic)
Start with a few, and do more challenging work after that.

Focusing on textures
They are similar in color
Jumping work (large motor)
My kids having a blast with the jumping activity:
The Process
How did I get from this pile of carpet to that one?
By employing the skills these activities will teach children. First I divided them by type of carpet (pic 1) then I created the activities:
I kept some carpet for sitting on or jumping activities:
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